
IMPOSSIBLE: A Sample of 950 Military Ballots Were Recently Audited In Georgia and All Went for Joe Biden.

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In Georgia in a sample of military ballots were reviewed recently and all went for Joe Biden.  There is no way these were legit.   

Yesterday John Fredricks was interviewed on the War Room with Steve Bannon.  There were many nuggets in Fredricks’ interview.  Another key item discussed involved military ballots.  Fredericks said that of 950 military mail-in ballots sampled in a recent review, 100% went to Biden.

We reported previously how the military ballots in Georgia and Michigan were nearly all mysteriously and impossibly for Joe Biden.  (This most likely occurred across the country.  This is what the Democrats think of our military.)

PURE EVIL: Democrat Operatives in Michigan and Georgia Tampered with Military Ballots — Filled Out New Ones 100% MARKED FOR JOE BIDEN

This is not possible.   » READ MORE