
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and the Democrats Are Frightened to Death of the Election Audit “Freight Train” Coming Down the Tracks

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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is off her rocker with no answer to the audits in Arizona and Georgia.  She can’t stop the freight train that’s coming.

The Democrats and their allies in the media are up in arms.  They have no idea how to stop the truth about the results from the 2020 election from coming out.  They are looking at the DOJ stepping in to stop the audits in Arizona and now Georgia but that would be unconstitutional per Attorney and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani:

Rudy Giuliani: DOJ Has NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to Step in on State Election Audits (VIDEO)

Others are seeing the Dems panic.

Bannon: Rachel Maddow is the ‘Den Mother’ of Democrat Misinformationhttps://t.co/tKCIiKqOQ0
24 Apr 2021

1 Minute#MAGA #FireTwitterMom qt-maga-656 #BorderObserver pic.twitter.com/6XWJ7MyudY

— The Border Observer (@borderObserver) May 25,