
Dominion was Onsite During Maricopa County’s EAC February Audits

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Most would find it hard to believe that Maricopa election officials and their “IT Teams” don’t have access to their election system above the user credentials of a “Poll Worker”. But this is exactly what Maricopa has said in several hearings and letters. Hard to believe, right? Senate auditor CyFIR said, “This is the highest level the County has provided us”. It would be similar to having only “Guest” access to all the PC’s, Tablets, or phones used by your entire family.

If it was discovered that a Maricopa employee had Admin User or Technician (Super User) level access, the Senate subpoena requires they hand it over. These highest user credentials were critical to many discoveries in Antrim County. So Maricopa continues to say this type of access is in the sole possession of other people,