
EXCLUSIVE: Trump Supporter Still Abused by Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper for Protesting COVID-19 Lockdown in April 2020

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You might have wondered what happened to a woman who was arrested and charged in Raleigh, North Carolina, a little over one year ago for protesting during some of the early weeks of the COVID 19 lockdown.  The woman made national news for being at a Reopen NC rally.  She was filmed on local news being led away in handcuffs as a sign for other protestors, to behave. 

“There was one arrest made by the State Capitol Police,” reported Raleigh Police on their Facebook that day, April 14, 2020.

Democrat Roy Cooper, an avid Trump-hater, had ruled by executive order that “Protesting was not an essential activity.”

Then soon after this, the world saw Governor Cooper take off his mask and walk with Black Lives Matter,