
Florida Punk Rock Concert Charges $18 For Vaccinated Fans, $1,000 For Unvaccinated Fans

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Nothing says punk rock more than falling in line with government demands.

A Florida concert is charging $18 for vaccinated people and $1,000 for unvaccinated people in an attempt to create a caste system where “others” are treated less than in the “land of the free.”

Tampa Bay promotor Paul Williams said he wanted to coerce the “kids” to get their shots so they can “safely” go to a concert.

Of course there was no mention of Covid-19 convalescent individuals who have the same T cell immunity response.

“I also wanted it to be a vaccine drive to get the fence-sitters off the fence,” Williams told ABC News. “I wanted to get the kids that want to go to shows to go out and get their shots.”

ABC News reported:

A concert promoter in Florida came up with a creative way to encourage his community to get vaccinated by offering $18 discounted tickets to an upcoming show for those who have been vaccinated — and charging $999.99 per ticket for those who have not.