
TGP EXCLUSIVE: Steve Bannon Responds to NBC Report on The War Room Pandemic’s Massive Success

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Every day since November 3, 2020, despite the threats, despite the smears and lies, Steve Bannon and The War Room have reported on the fraudulent 2020 presidential election.

Steve Bannon and The War Room were reporting on the Wuhan Bio-Lab’s likely role in the coronavirus pandemic back in FEBRUARY 2020.

Bannon and his team of experts introduced the world to Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan who released her scientific proof that the Coronavirus came from a Wuhan Lab, and not a wet market.

In story after story for the past year, since its inception early last year, Steve Bannon has provided exhaustive, factual, and fearless coverage on a range of today’s most important topics to Trump Nation.