
44% of Americans Now Believe the Coronavirus was Cooked Up in a China Lab

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The latest Tippinsights poll finds that 44% of Americans believe the coronavirus was created in a lab.

This is what The Gateway Pundit reported back in early April 2020.

This does not bode well for evil Dr. Tony Fauci who was paying for research at the Wuhan China virology labs.

Then he shut down the US economy and forbid the use of a proven drug after the outbreak hit America.

TechnoMetrica conducted a TIPP Poll asking Americans what they believe regarding the origin and spread of the virus.

Here’s where Americans think the virus originated:

  • 44% believe it was developed in a lab
  • 22% think it came from animals
  • 11% think it’s a naturally occurring virus
  • 8% think the virus came to be as a result of human living habits
  • 16% were unsure about its origins

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