
Joe Biden Thinks He Was Sworn Into Office 15 Months Ago (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks on his administration’s Covid-19 response and vaccination program.

“Nearly 170 million Americans of every party, every background, every walk of life have stepped up, rolled up their sleeves and gotten the shot. 52% of adults are now full vaccinated,” Biden said.

Biden also got confused (again) and said January 20 was 15 months ago.

Dementia Joe thinks he was sworn into office 15 months ago.

“Since January 20, we’re talking now about 15 months ago, the average daily cases are down from 184,000 to 19,000,” Biden said.


Joe Biden thinks January was 15 months ago pic.twitter.com/FcjrWelREC

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 2,