
RIGHT AGAIN: Email Shows Dr. Fauci KNEW in March 2020 that 99% of Italian Covid Fatalities Had Other Illnesses — Ignored This During His Hundreds of Interviews #FauciEmails

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Apparently, the NIH/NIAID were aware that 99% of covid deaths in Italy had other illnesses.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting this information for over a year now.

Back in April 2020 TGP reported that only 1% of Coronavirus victims had no other serious health conditions.
Via Information Is Beautiful.

In August Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported that the CDC admitted on their website that only 6% of the 153,504 coronavirus deaths at the time actually died exclusively from coronavirus. The other 94% had 2-3 serious illnesses or conditions and the overwhelming majority were of advanced age.

SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses

President Trump retweeted this factual TGP report that was later flagged by the tech giants.