
EXCLUSIVE: US Attorney to War Hero Brian Kolfage: “We Did You a Favor By Not Sending FBI Agents to Your House to Raid It!”

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Above: Brian Kolfage meets patriots outside the courthouse in Florida on Wednesday.

American war hero Brian Kolfage was in court on Wednesday in Florida facing a new charge from the Southern District of New York (SDNY) related to his taxes. 
This BS indictment was another attempt by the corrupt Deep State to slander Kolfage’s name and punish him for building a wall on the Southern Border.

Kolfage has already been indicted by the SDNY for bogus charges related to his ‘We Build the Wall’ project.  Kolfage and a few others raised money to build sections of the wall in the most difficult and populated areas of the Southern Border.  They then successfully built a couple of sections of the wall.  Kolfage is an American hero for doing this,