
“It’s Good to be Called an ‘Outlier’ when the ‘In-Liars’ Are What We’re Seeing Here” – Dr. Scott Atlas Gets the Last Laugh on Fauci and the Fake News Hacks and Hitmen

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Dr. Scott Atlas joined the Trump Coronavirus Team in August 2020. This was months after Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx had spread their fear porn across the country and the developing world.

Dr. Atlas questioned Dr. Fauci’s irrational and unscientific policies. For this, he was public enemy number one to the political left and the fake news mainstream media.

Even hack Chris Wallace attacked Dr. Scott Atlas — which tells you everything!

FOX News Hack Chris Wallace Claims Dr. Scott Atlas Is Political and Should be More Like Dr’s Fauci and Birx

And Dr. Fauci continuously attacked Dr. Atlas after he dared challenge his authority.

WOW! Quack Dr.