
‘Not Going to Re-Litigate the Substance of Emails From 17 Months Ago’ – Psaki Deflects When Asked About Fauci’s Emails (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday deflected when she was asked about Fauci’s emails.

BuzzFeed reporter Jason Leopold obtained hundreds of pages of Fauci’s emails via the Freedom of Information Act.

The emails are damning and prove that Fauci lied over and over again (including under oath).

The emails also show his implication in the gain-of-function research that led to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fauci was also informed in early 2020 that hydroxychloroquine was successfully used as a prophylaxis against Covid, but he lied to the public.

Psaki praised Fauci as an “undeniable asset” and said she isn’t going to re-litigate the substance of his emails.

“He’s been an undeniable asset in our country’s pandemic response but it’s obviously not that advantageous for me to re-litigate the substance of emails from 17 months ago,” Psaki said.