
Tom Fitton: Government Slow-Rolled FOIA Fauci Email Request Because Dr. Fauci WAS REVIEWING Each Email Before It Was Released (VIDEO)

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Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton joined Spicer and Co. on Newsmax TV on Thursday night.

Fitton was invited on to discuss the explosive Fauci email release this week. Fitton said Judicial Watch has also requested Dr. Fauci emails and information on the coronavirus from last year.

And, then Tom dropped this bomb.
Judicial Watch was told by government officials that the emails were slow-walked because Dr. Fauci was personally reviewing each email before it was released.

Tom Fitton: One of the big issues is, why are we now getting them? Whether Judicial Watch or these other media outlets got them. We’ve asked for these documents for a year. They’ve been slow-rolling the release of documents.