
BOOM! Mike Lindell Files Fed Lawsuit Against Dominion and Smartmatic For “Weaponizing the court system” To SILENCE Lindell And Others About Election Fraud

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Mike Lindell is a patriot.

100 Percent Fed UP – The popular My Pillow CEO, whose incredible story of how Jesus Christ saved him from his addictions to gambling, alcohol, cocaine, and eventually crack cocaine, has been fighting to uncover and election fraud since November 5, 2020.

On the morning after the election, Americans were stunned to discover Trump’s incredible lead had evaporated in critical swing states where the counting of absentee ballots suddenly stopped, and then, in the wee hours of the morning, when the counting resumed, Joe Biden suddenly and inexplicably had taken the lead over Trump in multiple states.

Along with millions of other Americans, Lindell has refused to accept the results of the election and are not giving up on their fight to examine and expose what happened in the nation’s most hotly contested election.