
REPORT: Chinese Defector Confirms COVID-19 Was Manmade in a Laboratory – This Is Why the Obama-Biden Gang Has Changed Its Narrative Surrounding the Origins of COVID-19

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Over the past half month, there was a sudden change in the reporting related to the China coronavirus.  Dr. Fauci’s emails were released and the Biden Admin and the medical leadership in the government suddenly were willing to explore the narrative that the coronavirus was made in a lab.
We now know why.  

Adam Housley tweeted that he is being told the increased pressure on the scientific community to be open to and to review the theory that the China coronavirus was made in a laboratory in recent days is due to a defector with intimate knowledge bringing intel to the US that the coronavirus was leaked from a lab in Wuhan.

Corrupt FBI Director Wray didn’t know right away because lower-level FBI Agents wanted to make sure they got all they needed before telling him.