
40% of Illegal Aliens Bused Into Texas City Test Positive For Covid-19

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This is Joe Biden’s America.

40% of illegal aliens being bused to Laredo, Texas have tested positive for Covid-19.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The city of Laredo, Texas, has refused to take in migrants who have been bused in from elsewhere on the border after discovering 40% of them tested positive for the coronavirus, according to two local government officials.

“That was very high,” Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz said in an interview, referring to the infection rate among migrants dropped off by the Border Patrol last week. Laredo health authority, Dr. Victor Trevino, confirmed the numbers.

Concerned that migrants arriving in Laredo would further strain hospital resources, Laredo officials contracted private bus companies to transport migrants arriving from the Rio Grande Valley to larger cities across the state.