
After Raiding His Home, Dragging Him on One Limb in the Rain, and Indicting Him on Two BS Charges – Feds Now Take Away Brian Kolfage’s Pain Meds – All Because He Built a Wall on the Southern Border

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The communists in the government are determined to destroy every single thing about America that is good and great.  This is why the communists are trying to destroy triple-amputee war hero Brian Kolfage and why they hate him for building a wall on the Southern border. 

We’ve reported before on hero Brian Kolfage. Once the Department of Justice goes after a target who’s pro-God, pro-family, and pro-American they never stop.  The attack again and again.  If the person is an American war hero, they attack them as if they’re working for communist China.

Never in our county’s storied history have we seen so much corruption in our government.  No case exemplifies this like the Fed’s attack on war hero Brian Kolfage.