
LEAKED AUDIO: Biden’s Radical DHS Chief Mayorkas on Border Crisis: “This is Unsustainable. These Numbers Cannot Continue”

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Joe Biden’s radical open borders DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas privately told Border Patrol agents in Texas that the border crisis is “unsustainable.”

“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable,” Mayorkas said Thursday, according to the audio obtained by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin. “We can’t continue like this, our people in the field cant continue and our system isn’t built for it.”

“It’s our responsibility to make sure that that never happens again,” he said.


LEAKED AUDIO: Biden DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the border crisis:

“This is unsustainable.