
What a Dumpster Fire: Snopes Founder Was Writing Plagiarized Reports Under a Fake Name — Spent Thousands in Company Money on Pricey Hooker

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Snopes founder Divide Mikkelson and his pricey lady friend

The founder of the far-left Internet website Snopes, which brags of being the moral compass for what is honest reporting on the Internet, allegedly embezzled and spent nearly $100,000 on prostitutes during his divorce.
This is the same person who claims moral superiority over everyone on the Internet!

Snopes.com – the website that claims God-like status on the Internet – was founded by disturbed leftist David Mikkelson.

Mikkelson is interested in folklore and Snopes claims he took “about a zillion course hours” of post-graduate classes at California State University Northridge.

More on Mikkelson:

The website founded by Mikkelson is Snopes.com.