
Afghan Government Surrenders, Relinquishes Power After Kabul Falls to Taliban; 1,000 Additional US Troops Deployed as Sleepy-Joe Vacations at Camp David

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Well that was quick.

When most Americans were falling asleep last night, there were rumblings that the Taliban could overtake Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul over the course of the next few days, which would be devastating for the Democratic government that was built over the last 20 years by US forces.

Just a few hours later, after the city was stormed by insurgents from 3 directions, Kabul is now controlled by terrorists and the entire country has been handed over to the leader of the Taliban.

Afghanistan is on the brink of a Taliban takeover and a transfer of power to a transitional government is being prepared, a government minister says

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— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) August 15,