
LIVE REMARKS: Joe Biden Speaks on His Afghanistan Disaster at 3:45 PM ET – NO QUESTIONS FROM MEDIA — Talking Points Leaked by Pelosi

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Joe Biden will deliver remarks on Afghanistan at 3:45 PM Eastern.

The country disintegrated over the weekend while he was on vacation.

According to reports Joe Biden will be “taking questions only from pre-approved media.”

The Taliban is now completely in control of the country after 20 years of US involvement in the region.

UPDATE– Biden’s talking points were leaked by Pelosi.

Here are the WH Afghanistan talking points Pelosi’s office just sent around. They are not good:

“The Administration knew that there was a distinct possibility that Kabul would fall to the Taliban. It was not an inevitability. It was a possibility.” #facepalm pic.twitter.com/aE8lbCnw1z

— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) August 16,