
Breaking: China Dispatches Warships, ASW Aircraft and Fighter Jets off Coast of Taiwan Following Fall of Afghanistan #BidenEffect

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The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on Tuesday launched joint live-fire assault drills in multiple locations off the coast of Taiwan.

This is just what Jack Posobiec and The War Room said would happen next.

China is emboldened with US weakness in the region, the historic collapse of Afghanistan, and the frail puppet installed in Washington DC.

#BREAKING: #PLA Eastern Theater Command on Tue dispatched warships, ASW aircraft and fighter jets for joint live-fire assault drills in SW, SE areas off the island of Taiwan as response to recent moves by the US and Taiwan secessionists: spokesperson https://t.co/2lTfSmxxhW pic.twitter.com/dclmjwnlFM

— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) August 17,