
Joe Biden Immediately Bolts After Delivering Remarks on Covid Vaccines, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions About Afghanistan (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden delivered remarks on Covid vaccines Wednesday afternoon as thousands of Americans are stranded in Afghanistan.

Biden could barely read the teleprompter as he mumbled through 10 minutes of remarks on vaccination and booster shots.

Joe Biden threatened governors (Ron DeSantis) who ban mask mandates with legal action.


Biden threatens government action against Governors who refuse to force masks on school children. pic.twitter.com/efew8bK2VZ

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 18, 2021

Biden immediately bolted and refused to take questions from reporters.

78-year-old Joe Biden has not taken a single question from a reporter in a week.

The Taliban has taken more questions from reporters than Joe Biden.