
Thanks to Joe Biden the Taliban Now Controls 11 Former US Bases, Approximately 174 Humvees, 10,000 High Explosive Rockets and 6 Light Attack Aircraft

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Thanks to Joe Biden the Taliban is well prepared to control the populace in Afghanistan.

The Taliban now has humvees patrolling Kabul.

Taliban Humvees now patroling the Kabul city. #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/OafpsEWVpH

— FJ (@Natsecjeff) August 15, 2021

Thanks Joe.

MADDENING.😡Taliban fighters patrolling in an American taxpayer-paid Humvee. About $250K. pic.twitter.com/ADXFjRQx9i

— Josh Benson (@WFLAJosh) August 17, 2021

ETVBharat reported:

New Delhi: Riding on a victory wave replete with a hasty US withdrawal and an abject capitulation by the Afghan army, to say that the Taliban has become stronger may be an obvious understatement.