
Taliban Torch Amusement Park After They Were Filmed Enjoying Bumper Cars the Day Before (VIDEO)

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Another Taliban casualty.

On Monday Taliban barbarians were seen enjoying the bumper cars at an amusement park in Afghanistan.

🇦🇫 · #Taliban playing bumper cars, I think it is the most surreal image we can see of the conflict in #Afghanistan and the fall of #Kabul pic.twitter.com/eNcK76BIi4

— Iván Esteve (@EsteveGirbes01) August 16, 2021

On Wednesday video was released of the amusement park in flames.

The Bokhdi Amusement Park was set on fire by Taliban insurgents in Begha, Sheberghan. The reason is that the statues/idols standing there are in Public access Idols are illegal in Islam, This is the logic of the Taliban’s brutal emirate.