Whistleblower Provides Photos of Horror at PETA HQ — Dead Dogs in Trash Cans Fill Donor-Funded Walk-In Freezer
The Gateway Pundit has obtained horrific photos taken inside the grotesque donor-funded walk in freezer at the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals headquarters in Virginia.
The former employee who took the photos says the black trash bags contained dead dogs and cats, many of which were healthy and adoptable — including puppies and kittens.
In 2019, PETA killed 1,500 cats and dogs. The following year, PETA’s so-called “shelter” took in 2,650 animals and euthanized 67% of them — 1,763 animals. The “animal rights” organization does not promote adoption, but is still registered with the State of Virginia as a “humane society” or “animal shelter.”
A photo of a PETA employee allegedly euthanizing a puppy.
In 2017,