
Another Debacle: Biden Admin Scraps Plan to Charge Americans Evacuating from Afghanistan $2,000 after Public Outrage — Maria Bartiromo Goes Off! (VIDEO)

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Another horrible embarrassment in the evacuation of Afghanistan by the clowns in the Biden Administration.

On Thursday news broke that the Biden administration was charging Americans $2,000 to pay for their flights from Kabul after the Taliban took over the city.

State Dept’s Overseas Security Advisory Council said Aug. 14: “Repatriation flights are not free, & passengers will be required to sign a promissory loan agreement & may not be eligible to renew their U.S. passports til the loan is repaid. Cost may be $2,000 or more per person.” https://t.co/K9bb3xtoYE pic.twitter.com/2pPo3n64dJ

— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) August 19, 2021

These are the same people who give free healthcare, homes, education,