
Jovan Pulitzer Reveals It’s Not the ‘Watermarks’ on the Ballots – It’s Better (VIDEO)

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Jovan Pulitzer uncovers more than watermarks.

Yesterday Jovan Pulitzer reported that the Arizona Audit Report of the 2020 Election in Maricopa County will be provided to the Arizona Senate on Friday:

BREAKING BIG — Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Report Will be Delivered to Senate on Friday, Results Will Be Earth-Shattering

But on Wednesday Pulitzer released something nearly as significant.  It was a Pulitzer Surprise! It Wasn’t Watermarks They’ve Been Looking For.  It’s Much, Much Better!

Jovan Pulitzer surprised us all once again and likely scared the hell out of any election fraudsters in the process.  In a video he released Wednesday on Twitter, Jovan explained that identifying markings are in fact on the ballots and are exactly what they were looking for during the audit!