
Oklahoma Mom Of 11 Horrified By Biden’s Afghanistan Debacle Flies To Middle East…Helps To Rescue 10 Members Of All-Girls Robotics Team

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100 Percent Fed Up – An Oklahoma mom heroically made the decision to fly to the middle east in an effort to save as many members of the Afghan’s Girls Robotics Team as possible. The mother to 11-children, Allyson Reneau is a Harvard graduate who holds a Master’s degree in international relations and US space policy.

After watching the news, horrified by the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan as Taliban forces advanced, 60-year-old Reneau, took it upon herself to try and save members of the Afghan Girls Robotic Team. A call to Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Ok), a ranking member of the Armed Services Committee was her first thought, but the Senator was focused on rescuing Americans trapped overseas.

Desperate to help the girls,