
Well, What a Surprise! Patsy Behind Yesterday’s DC Bomb Scare Says His Fake Bomb was “Built by Y’all’s People” – Was Given to Him and it Was Inoperable

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On Thursday news broke that a suspected bomber had parked his truck near the Library of Congress and was threatening to set off his explosive device. Negotiators were sent out to engage with a man in a truck. Police evacuated the area around the building. The Cannon House Office Building is being evacuated.

49-year-old Floyd Ray Roseberry of North Carolina, later surrendered himself to law enforcement.

Roseberry said repeatedly during his Facebook livestream from his truck that someone “in the military” built the bomb for him. It was later discovered that his bomb was inoperable.

Roseberry’s Facebook account was quickly taken down on Thursday.

Information Liberation later reported on the curious case of this alleged bomber:

Twitter user AbcdentMinded compiled a damning series of clips from Roseberry’s 30-minute Facebook livestream strongly indicating he is just the latest mentally ill person undercover FBI agents decided to entrap for political gain.