
Media Turns Against Biden, But Tucker Isn’t Buying It: “Something Else Is Going On”

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The media is finally calling out Biden’s failures.

CBS’s Debra Alfarone said that there is a “disconnect” between the pictures from Kabul and the messaging of the Biden administration.

CBS gently tapping Biden this morning: “The Biden administration has spent the entire week trying to reassure the public that everything is under control. But to say there is a disconnection between that message and the pictures coming out of Kabul would be an understatement.” pic.twitter.com/HfhQg5Ok8t

— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) August 21, 2021

Even CNN has called out Biden.

CNN’s Jake Tapper said that it was “shocking that President Biden could’ve been so wrong” on Afghanistan.

Jake Tapper: We are “watching a tragic foreign policy disaster unfold before our eyes…The rapid crumbling of [Afghanistan] has caught the Biden White House flat footed.”

“It seems shocking that President Biden could’ve been so wrong” pic.twitter.com/Vw3Vr6VkNq

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 15,