
Tucker Carlson Blasts ABC News For Editing Out Portions of Stephanopoulos’ Interview That Made Joe Biden Look Incoherent, Confused (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden gave an interview to Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos and opened up about his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan without a real plan in place to maintain stability while safely evacuating Americans.

Biden defended his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and even blamed Trump.

Joe Biden snapped at Stephanopoulos several times when confronted about the chaos and humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

But the interview was even worse than what ABC News chose to air publicly.

Stephanopoulos released the full transcript of his interview with Joe Biden and it appears the network edited out portions that made Joe Biden look completely incoherent.

Full transcript of my interview with President Biden https://t.co/T65LuvCFT9

— GeorgeStephanopoulos (@GStephanopoulos) August 19,