
UPDATE: Statement from Former Acting DNI Richard Grenell — Same Official Who Lied about Hunter Biden’s Laptop and Was Fired by Trump Is Leading Joe Biden’s Afghanistan Evacuation Disaster

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The same government official who said Hunter Biden’s laptop was a “Russian Op” and was later fired by Trump’s Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is leading Joe Biden’s Afghanistan evacuation disaster.

Biden rehired Russell Travers and today he is leading Joe Biden’s disastrous and unintelligible Afghanistan evacuation plan.

Russell Travers

UPDATE– We spoke with former Acting DNI Richard Grenell on Monday and this is what he told us: “Russ Travers was removed from running counter-terrorism from the Trump administration and replaced by a woman who was eager to implement the needed reforms.”

Breitbart.com reported:

As recriminations fly among Biden administration officials over who bungled the Afghanistan withdrawal,