
Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones: TAKE GEORGIA BACK TOUR With Gen. Michael Flynn and AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers – THIS WEEKEND

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Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate will host Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers and General Michael Flynn at his  ‘Take Georgia Back Tour’.

Vernon Jones is running for Governor of Georgia to replace RINO Brian Kemp in the 2022 election. He has spoken out on Kemp’s failure to conduct a free and fair election, demanding a statewide full forensic audit.

Vernon Jones: “Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger Failed to Conduct a Secure Election” – Calls For Statewide Audit in GA

Jones and former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik led a delegation to Arizona for a tour of the historic Arizona audit process and they have since been fighting for full forensic election audits.

General Michael Flynn has also endorsed Vernon Jones for Governor of Georgia and will join him on tour.  » READ MORE