
Japan Is Latest Country to Dispatch Self-Defense Force Plane to Afghanistan to Rescue Citizens as Biden Fails Free World

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Japan sent a Self-Defense Force plane to Afghanistan on Monday to rescue Japanese citizens in the country.

This was necessary after Joe Biden agreed to an August 31 deadline to remove all Westerners and Afghan allies from the country.

The Taliban told Joe on Monday they will not extend the deadline.
The terror group is telling Joe Biden who’s boss.

France, the UK, Italy and Germany turned to Vladimir Putin and Russia for assistance in Afghanistan this week as the US under Joe Biden becomes weak, dangerous and irrelevant.

Japan has dispatched a Self-Defense Force plane to evacuate Japanese nationals and Afghan staff members from its embassy in Kabul. pic.twitter.com/tDsiIMcEHY

— NHK WORLD News (@NHKWORLD_News) August 23,