
WOW! Joe Biden’s G7 Virtual Meeting Lasted Only 7 Minutes – Where He REFUSED Pleas to Extend His Evacuation Deadline

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Joe Biden held a virtual meeting with G7 leaders today from the White House.

The White House later posted a photo from the meeting making Joe look in charge.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Today, President Biden met virtually with G7 leaders to discuss a continuation of our close coordination on Afghanistan policy, humanitarian assistance, and evacuating our citizens, the brave Afghans who stood with us over the last two decades, and other vulnerable Afghans. pic.twitter.com/zFxjsm2W8H

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 24, 2021

Joe Biden refused to extend the August 31 evacuation deadline despite objections from G7 allies.
Joe only takes orders from Taliban on Afghanistan.