
Demon Pelosi Says Republicans Want to “Nullify Elections” after Democrats Pass Legislation to Establish One Party Rule and Communist State — Where is the GOP?

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If they can’t cheat — They can’t win–

Nancy Pelosi opened her mouth again today and the lies spilled out.

The wicked woman is notorious for her misrepresentations, projection, and outright lies.

House Democrats passed legislation on Tuesday that will establish one-party Communist rule in America.
The GOP was notably silent.
These GOP “leaders” gladly fight for the scraps from the Democrat globalist elites.

In 2020 Democrat leaders in swing states abruptly and often unconstitutionally changed election laws to benefit the Democratic Party. Lawless Democrats implemented mass mail-in ballots that virtually every nation considers to be more prone to voter fraud, ‘drop boxes’ that foster ballot harvesting and chain-of-custody issues,