
Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid after Taking Carnival Cruise to Belize – 27 People Total Tested Positive For Covid Aboard Ship – ALL VACCINATED

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A beloved great grandmother tragically died of Covid after taking a Carnival cruise to Belize earlier this month.

77-year-old Marilyn Tackett, a retired Sunday school teacher from Oklahoma, boarded a Carnival cruise ship on July 31 out of Galveston, Texas.

On August 4th, Tackett, who was fully vaccinated for Covid, began to have breathing problems and decided to stay on the ship as her family disembarked and toured Belize.

The ship’s medical team tested Tackett for Covid and it came back positive.

The cruise’s medical doctor said Tackett needed to be put on a ventilator and had her transferred to a local hospital in Belize.

The family raised money through GoFundMe to pay for the $5,000 demanded by the hospital in Belize.