
HORROR: Man Opens Fire, Kills Tourist Dining with Family in Miami Beach, Dances Over Body (VIDEO)

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Shooter Tamarius Davis (L) – victim Dustin Wakefield (R)

A Georgia man on Tuesday evening shot and killed a 21-year-old tourist dining in Miami Beach with his family – then danced over the body.

Tamarius Davis, 22, of Norcross, Georgia, opened fire on Dustin Wakefield as he ate dinner with his family on the outdoor patio at La Cerveceria de Barrio on Ocean Drive.

Wakefield, a tourist from Castlerock, Colorado protected his 1-year-old son before he was shot dead by Davis.

“This guy came in with a gun waving it, saying ‘It’s time to die.’ He pointed the gun at his son and Dustin said, ‘He’s only a boy,’” his uncle,