
Shameless: Psaki Repeatedly Defends Taliban Despite Them Controlling Checkpoints That Allowed Bomber to Reach Airport Gates; Says Cooperation With the Terrorist Group Still “Necessary” – Video

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Jen Psaki followed up feeble Ol’-Joe’s barely-coherent press conference about the horrific suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least 13 US military members by fielding questions from reporters.

It was rough out of the gate, even for the professional shill.

Reporters hammered her with questions about the Taliban’s responsibility in allowing the attack, because they currently are in control of multiple checkpoints that would have allowed the bomber through on his way to the front gates of the airport.

She unbelievably denied any wrongdoing on their behalf and repeatedly defended the terrorist organization – proving once again, with this fraudulent administration, that America comes LAST.

Psaki defends the #Taliban, says they had no role in allowing suicide bombers through their checkpoints on their way to killing a 13 US Military members in Kabul

Says US will continue to work with terror group for remainder of #Evacuations