
University Of Tennessee Chattanooga Student Dragged Out Of Class For Not Wearing Mask (VIDEO)

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A University of Tennessee Chattanooga student was dragged out of class for not wearing a mask.

This comes as schools across the country are imposing draconian mask and vaccine mandates in most universities in the United States.

Candidate for Congress in Tennessee, Robby Starbuck, tweeted out this video and demanded that the Republican Governor Bill Lee expand his recent executive order, allowing students to opt-out of mask requirements at school, to be applied at universities as well.

This young man was “dragged out” from @UTChattanooga for not wearing a mask. The laughing crowd are cowards who will one day be thankful men like this stood up for freedom. @GovBillLee We need you to expand your EO to allow opt-outs from forced masking at universities too.