
Terrorists Winning: State Dept. Issues New Warning of “Specific, Credible Threat” of Terror Attack at Kabul Airport

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Joe Biden has reduced the U.S. to issuing panicked terror alerts as his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan winds down to its final days. The Taliban doesn’t fear Biden, nor does ISIS-K.

ISIS-K slaughtered 13 U.S. service members and 170 Afghans Thursday and all Biden could do was drone a couple guys last night who weren’t involved in the airport attack. Tonight, the Biden administration is warning Americans to flee the area outside the Kabul airport due to a “specific, credible threat.”

Security Alert – U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan (August 28, 2021)

Event: Due to a specific, credible threat, all U.S. citizens in the vicinity of Kabul airport (HKIA), including the South (Airport Circle) gate,