
LEAKED INTEL: Pentagon Knew IN ADVANCE Specifics of Kabul Airport Attack at Abbey Gate that Killed 13 Servicemen and Women — Did Nothing

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Now we know.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chief’s Chariman Mark Milley, and CentCom Commander General Kenneth McKenzie all knew about the Kabul Airport terrorist bombing hours in advance at the Abbey Gate.

The top US Military leaders knew that the Abbey Gate Soldiers were at the greatest risk.

13 US servicemen and women were killed in the attack.

It’s time for heads to roll.

Politico reported:

(Politico) – Just 24 hours before a suicide bomber detonated an explosive outside Hamid Karzai International Airport, senior military leaders gathered for the Pentagon’s daily morning update on the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.

Speaking from a secure video conference room on the third floor of the Pentagon at 8 a.m.