
EXCLUSIVE: Obama/Biden Reinstituting Program of Bringing Non-Vetted Illegals Into the US and Using ‘Non-Profits’ to Move Them Around the US

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In early 2017, as President Trump was stepping into the White House, Obama’s policies of bringing unvetted Middle Easternerners into the US was in full force.  Today these insane policies are again in full force.

In March of 2017, we reported on Obama’s policies of bringing unvetted individuals from Middle Eastern countries into the US.  These individuals are received overnight and sent to states across the Union where they were given food, clothing, housing, and passports.  The social service agencies in these states obliged because they would lose their funding if they didn’t.  (Watch the audio in the attached to see what was happening.)

DISEASED REFUGEES Obtain SSN’s and Passports Upon Arrival in US

It is now being reported that Obama/Biden are doing it again.