
Nile Gardiner on Joe Biden’s Disastrous Afghan Withdrawal: “We Are Seeing the Humiliation of a Super Power – a Monumental Disaster” (VIDEO)

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“Without a doubt, we are seeing the humiliation of a Super Power.”

Nile Gardner Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center joined Degan McDowell on Mornings with Maria on Tuesday following the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan on Monday, August 30th.

Gardiner went on to say Joe Biden dragged the reputation of the United States through the mud.

America will suffer the repercussions of Joe Biden’s failed policies for years to come as we have never seen before.

Nile Gardiner: This is a very dark moment for the United States on the world stage.  Our allies across the world are questioning America’s credibility and America’s standing in the world.