
Communist Pope Chides US and the West Over Afghanistan War – Quotes Putin and Says It’s Irresponsible to Enforce Your Own Values on Others

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Red Francis chided the United States and the West over the failures in Afghanistan. Pope Francis managed to quote Vlad Putin in his response and said it is irresponsible to enforce your own values on others.

The Taliban shoot women in the head in stadiums.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Popes would promote Christian values and Western exceptionalism.
Those days are over.

Newsmax reported:

Pope Francis has criticized the West’s recent involvement in Afghanistan as an outsider’s attempt to impose democracy — although he did it by citing Russia’s Vladimir Putin while thinking he was quoting Germany’s Angela Merkel.

Asked during a radio interview aired Wednesday about the new political map taking shape in Afghanistan after the United States and its allies withdrew from the Taliban-controlled country after 20 years of war,