
Just In: Bombshell Leaked Transcripts Reveal Biden Pressured Then-Afghan President Ghani to Lie About Taliban Advances to Downplay Crisis

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As if it wasn’t bad enough for Sleepy Joe already, even the Deep State has begun to throw him under the bus for his incompetency in Afghanistan. 

On Tuesday, Reuters obtained leaked transcripts of Biden’s final call with Ashraf Ghani – the recently departed president of Afghanistan – before the Taliban completed their overthrow of the country.

During the call on July 23rd, Ghani communicated how serious the situation was, saying the country was undergoing an assault from a “full- scale invasion” of about “10,000-15,000 international terrorists.” He also explained that the Taliban had full logistical support and planning, courtesy of Pakistan.

Biden paid no attention, he pressured the then-president to create a “perception” that the Taliban hadn’t been advancing at such a rapid pace,