
LOST BALLOTS in Arizona, Wisconsin And Nevada Exceed Biden’s Victory Margins: “MARICOPA COUNTY Alone Has Admitted That They Sent 110,000 Mail-In Or Absentee Ballots To What Turned Out To Be The WRONG Addresses,” 

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Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Heritage Foundation’s Election Law Reform Initiative says that in Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin, unaccounted for ballots outnumber the margin of victory.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Wisconsin had a margin of 20,682 votes last November. Wisconsin lost track of 82,000 mail-in ballots!

After Finding Shredded Ballots in the Dumpster Earlier Today – A Mysterious Fire Breaks Out at Maricopa County Official’s Farm

Spakovsky told Breitbart’s Alex Marlow,

“[The Wisconsin Election Commission] said 6,500 absentee ballots they mailed out were sent back by the postal service as ‘undeliverable’ [and] 3,000 ballots that came back were rejected. They don’t say why, but usually [a ballot is rejected] because,