
This Day in History: Democrats Murder 4 Former Slaves and 5 Republicans at Clinton, MS Picnic – Then Go on to Slaughter Another 50-100 Blacks in Following Week

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146 years ago today, Democrats attacked a Republican barbecue in Clinton, Mississippi murdering 4 former slaves and 5 white Republicans.

Democrats then in the following days slaughtered another 50-100 African-Americans.

For some reason, you don’t hear much about this massacre these days.

Here is more on this historic massacre, via Mississippi Encyclopedia.

Freedmen first began voting in Mississippi in 1867, and the 1875 election promised to continue the incorporation of black men within the state’s political process. With polls set to open on November 2, the Mississippi Republican Party planned political rallies on September 4 at Utica and Clinton in Hinds County and at Vernon in nearby Madison County. In Clinton (which is located less than ten miles west of the state capital,