
Leftist “Watchdog” American Oversight: FOIA Requested AZ Audit Text Messages – NOTHING To See But They Say It Is HUGE: It’s NOT

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American Oversight, “a nonpartisan oversight watchdog” that uses FOIA and litigation to target Republicans recently received requested documents from the Arizona audit.

American Oversight is a tool for the Democratic party and it has targeted the audit of the 2020 election.

Influence Watch reports:

American Oversight (AO) is an activist and litigation organization focusing on filing open records requests targeting Republican interests, especially the administration of President Donald Trump. The organization was launched in March 2017, following and in response to the election of President Trump’s inauguration and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.[1] As of January 2019, all of its investigations and litigation are directed at Republicans; it claims to be “the top Freedom of Information Act litigator investigating the Trump administration,” with more than 1000 open records requests and 56 lawsuits filed in 2018.